About Us

Welcome to
Every Nation Macau!


We exist to honor God by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.

Every Nation Macau is a member of a worldwide family of churches and ministries that exists to honor God by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.

Every Nation was founded in 1994 when Rice Broocks, Phil Bonasso, and Steve Murrell joined their churches and ministries to pursue the mission of church planting, campus ministry, and world missions.

At the time, Rice was a campus evangelist in Nashville, Tennessee, Phil was a church planter in Southern California, and Steve was a missionary in the Philippines. In February of 1994, Rice and Phil traveled to Asia to explore church planting opportunities in Singapore and Malaysia. On the way home, they stopped in Manila to visit Steve and discuss the possibility of collaborating on the new church plant. Sitting in Steve’s living room, they reflected on their common vision to plant churches and campus ministries in every nation. That night, they committed to pursue this mission together.

Since 1994, Every Nation has planted churches and campus ministries on six continents and in over sixty nations.

We establish churches.

The church is God’s primary vehicle for advancing his kingdom in the earth today. Our goal is to plant churches that will plant more churches.

We reach the campus.

The future leaders of the world are on the college campus today. If we change the campus, we will eventually change families, nations, and the world.

We go to the nations.

The Great Commission calls us to preach the gospel to all people. We will not stop until we have done our part in reaching every nation in our generation.

Schedules & Location

Worship Services

10:00AM   8:00PM

08:00 PM

Prayer Meetings

Every 2nd Thursday of the month

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